Thursday, March 8, 2007

pindah blog - blog moving

blog ini bakal segera kutinggalkan karena aku ngerasa blogger kurang fleksibel.alasan lainnya si aku pengen nyoba buat engine blog sendiri..saat ini seh baru tahap awal bgt..alias masi coba2..maklum lah, newbie...bulan desember kemaren aku dapet info dari temen, ada daftar nama domain [dot]web[dot]id gratisan dari depkominfo..caranya ya cukup memiliki hasil scan KTP yang valid..trus daftar di link ini..yah sebenernya cukup mudah, tinggal tentukan dimana kita akan meng-hosting web kita, kemudian daftar di tersebut.tinggal daftar nama domain yang kita inginkan,ketikkan dimana kita akan hosting(nameservernya) trus lampirkan dokumen keterangan yang diwajibkan yaitu scan ktp.well nunnggunya agak lama si..ya tergantung adminnya mo approve ato ga..klo aku sekitar satu mingguan udah disetujuin..trus,identity nya ga boleh SIM..aku pertama ngelampirin SIM, tapi ditolak, jadi deh ngirim KTP...padahal di helpnya, identity yang diakui itu KTP, dan juga termasuk SIM..aneh bin ajaib ditolak dengan alasan harus KTP.
well,jadi lah domain tersebut..

silahkan lihat2 dahulu..coz aku akan mulai posting disana saja..yah sekarang ini seh dalam kondisi tidak aktif alias belum ada postingan..engginenya masih make wordpress..template edit2 dikit..(masi kacau bgt deh)klo mau liat blog sederhana yang aku bikin si ada

yah mang belum sempurna se coz baru ada modul blognya doank,padahal itu buat web lab..saat ini masi under heavy construction heheheheh...
so, ini akan segera di update dengan "dharou-engine" *halah..ngikut adham dengan adham engine and adham core nya..pengen bisa bikin kaya gitu..keren keren...

Friday, January 5, 2007

parallel desktop for mac v.3106

allright. after i ask hendito at iefile to download it, it's time to install that software at my macbook.first, what is parallel?it's a software to build a virtual machine at your's like kind of vmware. this software let us to running other OS above our current, this is the scenario, i boot using my MacOSx then start other OS using this software.yes, you will got two operating system or more at one time..

to install parallel, just mount the .dmg you got from apple website,
here is the link

download parallel desktop

then click the install parallel icon.
the installer will start shortly.after that,just start the parallel desktop.the first step is installing the OS you want.which one?anything!you could install microsoft windows vista, xp, server, 2000, even 98 and 95. you could install anykind distro of could install unix system like freeBSD.wonderfully,we don't need any partition.the parallel will take care of make virtual hard drive with dynamic, the harddrive is just like a file.if we write the sytem such as make a file in windows, the virtual hard drive will expand it self.for example, i install win xp sp2.the result is just a file with size 1,5GB.if you make a file or install program at that windows, the file size start increasing. until the max size you specified it.i set the max size at 8GB.
that's it.install the OS. i try to install windows XP SP2(it's faster than if you install on PC,why?because the parallel take care of the crap initial configuration automatically).i installed linux slackware and freeBSD too.
then.start it! you'll find the window that show up booting session of the OS

there is an awesome feature at this 3106 version.that is,booting with the bootcamp partition.(bootcamp?see my other post.then see adham's blog) and the best ones, coherence mode.coherence mode let you run two OS at one desktop.curently it's just macOSx and windows.we can run the two OS seamlessly.we can open windows explorer and finder at once.the drag and drop files between them.this is the most awesome feature i found at this version.
regrettably, i can't upload the screenshot right now..seems the blogger upload feature's down.i promise to let you see this..

heheh..the more and more i love this Mac.