Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Windows installation on macbook

this will be a short post..i had installed windows xp pro sp2 at my macbook using boot camp..wew..that's a little breathtaking coz adham had scared me coz he say that if the installation failed, my macbook will be reinstalled with fresh copy of macOSx..wew..i forgot to backup my data!!well, that just a little bluff from adham..the installation is a success.and now my macbook can be called winbook kekekekekek...wew..that just a little experiment..coz the installation is pretty easy you know..that different from if u want to install vista at macbook, because it's require more effort and courage for me ...wew...if you want to know more detail for the installation, see adham website..and if you want to know more about vista installation on macbook, see adinoto weblog...

See Ya!!

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